Commissions are groups who meet to serve different aspects of the church.

Hark, the voice of Jesus calling, “Who will go and work today? Fields are white and harvest waiting, Who will bear the sheaves away?” Loud and long the master calls you; Rich reward he offers free. Who will answer, gladly saying, “Here am I. Send me, send me”?

Our Redeemer is Reaching Out and Moving Forward!

Will You Answer God’s Calling?

Will You Become the Hands and Feet of the Master?

Sign up Today!

Adult nurture

The mission statement for the Adult Nurture Commission is to provide opportunities for the learning and sharing of God’s word to all adult members at ORL as well as the community as it is said in Proverbs 9:9 “Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.”

The Adult Nurture Commission would like to invite everyone to learn and live life together through bible study and forming relationships, so that all may be fed in the word.

youth nurture

Meets the 2nd Thursday Every Month at 5:30 p.m.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

The Youth Nurture Commission is dedicated to “training up” the Youth of ORL in the Word of God through Bible study and service opportunities. We also seek to provide fellowship opportunities for our Youth that bring them together, and prepare them for rewarding lives in Christ.


Following the mandate of Holy Scripture, the Worship Commissions strives to follow God’s Third Commandment to remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy and sacred. We obey that command by assuring that ORL provides corporate worship opportunities and encourages its members to attend public worship.

Meets as needed when new ideas or problems arise.

The Technology and Communication Commission strives to produce and maintain the technology and communication for ORL. These methods include updating social media sites with current events, creating and volunteering to operate the worship service slide presentations and live Facebook stream, managing the ORL website, updating the electronic billboards, and keeping other electronics throughout the church building in working order. If you are excited by the thought of serving God and our church in this capacity, please join us!

Technology and communication

To encourage fruitful giving of our time, talents and financial resources to support the church, and to bring the Gospel to the lost. The Stewardship Commission promotes activities to glorify God, and thank Him for the Blessings we so abundantly receive form Him.


Meets the 2nd Tuesday of Every Month at 6:45 p.m.

Our mission is to minister to children ages birth through 6th grade through a variety of programs. We provide materials to families of infants & toddlers through the cradle roll program. We help provide nursery service on Sunday mornings during services and Sunday School. Our commission oversees Sunday School for children ages 3 years through 6th grade and youth club on Wednesday nights from September through April for preschool through 6th grade. As a special gift to the congregation, the Youth Club and Sunday School children present a Christmas Worship Service followed by a soup supper hosted by the commission board members and generous volunteers. Each summer we host Vacation Bible School for children aged 4 years through 5th grade. The commission also serves as a contact for Kansas Troop 1112 of the American Heritage Girls, the church chartered scouting group.

Children’s nurture

Contact Grady or the Church Office if you have any facility concerns.

God’s Church is made up of the People of God, but the Church building is where we go to Worship God and fellowship with one another. The Property Commission team works to make sure the church facilities remain in good repair, and are clean and inviting for those who come seeking the Love and Grace of Jesus Christ. We invite any and all who have a heart for this ministry to join us in this important work.


Meets the 1st Tuesday of Every Month at 6:00 p.m.

To train, prepare, and encourage members to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in daily life and to build a welcoming family of faith so everyone may learn how to be a fruitful disciple of Jesus Christ. Foundational Scriptures: Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)and Equip the saints for ministry (Ephesians 4:1-16)


To sustain and revitalize ORL through the gathering of the Congregation in fellowship with one another to strengthen and support the Lutheran family in living out God’s design.

“That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” 1 John 1:3

parish fellowship